Vermont Elects To Keep White Man In Charge Of The State!
Gubernatorial Primary Pits Man With Mental Disorder Against Soft Leftist 

Vermont Democrats voted for “diversity” yesterday by voting for mentally ill gubernatorial candidate Dave Hallquist.  Hallquist, who goes by his transgendered name “Christine” beat out female Democrat contender Brenda Siegel , thus ensuring that a white male will still be in charge of the state.

 At the same time, Republican voters kept the incumbent, anti second amendment Governor Phil Scott.

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Travel Ban, Kate's Law May Not Help Much Now
The Problem That "Intellectuals" Created 


Update of a previous story posted on April 25th, 2017.

By: Jake Fogg


The Washington Post reported today, June 29th,of the reinstatement of Trump's travel ban from six "mostly Muslim" countries, which commences tonight.

Fox News reported today of the passage of the Congressional Bill known as  "Kate's Law" which increases penalties on illegals who get deported back to their country.

While both pieces of policy-making provide at least some form of preemptiive activity in the name of "Protection",they do not solve the much greater risk of attack from within by illegals and unvetted refugees who have already infiltrated society in the U.S. particularly during the Obama  administration. 

Late in May, John  Kelly the current head of the Department of Homeland Security, made the  statement to a Fox News host, “I was telling [Fox host] Steve [Doocy] on the way in here, if he knew what I knew about terrorism, he’d never leave the house in the morning."

Kelly also said in the same interview with Fox and Friends,“It’s everywhere. It’s constant. It’s nonstop. The good news for us in America is we have amazing people protecting us every day. But it can happen here almost anytime.”

This is not the first time since being appointed as head of DHS that John Kelly has warned the American People.

"The Risk of terrorism is threatening us today in a way that is worse than it was on 9/11”, warned Kelly, the head of DHS on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. This is a wake-up-call to all Americans and should serve as a lesson on the danger of exchanging national security for political ideology.

To demonstrate the severity his statement, Kelly stated that there are open terrorist investigations in all 50 states. He also said that in the last 12 months alone, there are 37 open investigations of homegrown terrorists.

Kelly made it clear that this country is vulnerable to attack at any time and that there is really nothing that could be done to stop it. “The threat is vast, unpredictable, and difficult to control”, said Kelly. This information is frightening, yet should come as no surprise. After all, America asked for it. Indeed, it could even be argued that maybe America wanted it!

"Open terrorist investigations in all 50 states…”

Of course, when it does happen, and it likely will, the questions posed will be, “Why did this happen?”, “How did this happen?”, “Who is to blame?” And ironically, the questions will be asked by the very people that ARE to blame!

The root cause, or the “how”, of our national security disaster is very simple. Unfortunately, however, the “why”, or list of reasons and contributors is long and complex.

There should be no question as to what caused our crippled state of national security. The United States decided to disregard its own borders, while simultaneously and voluntarily bringing in thousands of immigrants from cultures that are contradictive to a free society. We simply

Published in Top Stories
Tuesday, 02 October 2018 16:50

Terrorists Attack Butcher Shops

Vegans Turn To Terrorism To Stop Meat-Eating
With Most Other Leftist "Causes" Already Taken, The New Social Justice Battle Begins
Originally Posted On The Local fr

When the stone slabs crashed into her butcher's shop window last week, Elisabeth Cure became the latest victim of "radical vegans" who are trying to force a change in eating habits in traditionally meat-loving France.

The attack in a quiet town of Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines, 50 kilometres (30 miles) southwest of Paris, took place at 3:00 am, startling Cure as she slept above the store.

As in other similar incidents around France over the last year, her tormentors left a tell-tale tag scrawled on the shopfront: "End the Repression". 

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YouTube Slams Black Employees The Way It Accused DeSantis Of Doing!
Down Site Acknowledgement Reminiscent Of Media Reaction To Florida GOP Candidate 

By: Jake Fogg

Tuesday, October 16, 2018, at approximately 9:35 pm ET, Google’s YouTube web site and YouTube TV started receiving reports of outages worldwide. 

As the famous sharing site has acknowledged the outage via Twitter, it’s actual page shows some users a “500 internal server error”. However, to other users the server error is in the form of a troubling message that seems to violate the company’s own standards for political correctness. A graphic picture of a monkey with a hammer with the message “A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation”, leads some to wonder if they are referring to employees of color, specifically African Americans.

Only a month ago YouTube’s parent company algorithms highlighted and ensured that a similar statement by the Florida GOP nominee for governor, Rick DeSantis drew criticism from all over the internet.  

Clearly the nominee was using an expression to demonstrate the absurdity of socialism, but since the Democrat contender, devout Socialist Andrew Gillum, the internet and mainstream media went wild because he happens to be black.

While the meeting itself was not atypical for any president, it was the context of it that differed. Moore explained, “We similarly prayed for President Obama but it’s different with President Trump. When we are praying for President Trump, we are praying within the context of a real relationship, of true friendship.”

While the correlation was lost on many, the statement, “the last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state,” was touted by the left to have something to do with Gillum being black.

All attempts by Internet Deputy to reach YouTube staff for comment were refused.  


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Social Media Co. Employees Donate Millions and Influence Election
Campaign Finance Violations Could Be At Play
By:Jake Fogg 

Censorship of Conservatives and freedom-supporting media is on the rise with Google, Facebook, and Twitter leading the effort. In spite of overwhelming evidence, the big three deny the claims of censorship, but recent revelations by Fox News show intent to influence the 2018 mid-term elections.

According to Fox, Federal Election Commission records indicate that employees of Facebook, Twitter, and Google donated more than $2.2 million to Democrat senators and Representatives for the 2018 midterms.

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Dems Not Saying What "Our Future" Holds If They Win Mid-Terms
"Hate Trump" Is The Only Message DNC Offers For A Reason. Americans Should Worry. 
By:Jake Fogg 

Originally Reported by Investors Business Daily

A Powerful Editorial Based Solely on Fact

Election 2018: When Republicans took control of Congress in 1994 and 2010, they ran on clear legislative agendas. So far, the Democrats have offered voters nothing of substance in the upcoming midterm elections, other than promising to endlessly investigate President Trump.

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Cuban Communists And Drug Money Keep Maduro In Place
Southern Command Testifies To Senate On State Of Venezuelan Affairs
By:Jake Fogg 

Head of Southern Command, Adm. Craig S. Faller, told the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday that Venezuela’s military and Cuban security forces are the “center of gravity” in the volatile situation between competing governments in Caracas.

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Christians Persecuted More Than Any Other Faith In The World!
Recent UK Report Exposes Genocide; Blows Lid Off Mainstream Media and UN Narrative

By: Jake Fogg

A recent study commissioned by United Kingdom officials revealed that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. According to the BBC, the interim report was ordered by UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and led by the Bishop of Truro the Right Reverend Philip Mounstephen.

The review found

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The True, Well-Documented Account of Thanksgiving 
Generations of Americans Have Never Been Told The Real Story
By:Jake Fogg
with Content from Rush Limbaugh
As with much information regarding the founding of the United States, Thanksgiving is a misunderstood holiday.

Due to many years of false teaching by pseudo-intellectuals in the public school systems, the actual reason for this important day is unknown to most Americans.

Published in Top Stories
Tuesday, 04 February 2020 21:17

Sanders Wins Iowa Caucus

Sanders Takes Iowa!
But, Which "Sanders" Is Still Unclear
By:Jake Fogg 

The 2020 Iowa Caucus has been called “chaotic”, “delayed”, and a “fiasco”, without any official results reported due to a glitch in the voting process stemming from a voting application. Despite this, the obvious overwhelming winner is Sanders—in one form or another.

The Democrat party has long sought to silence Sanders, but without actual reason. After all, closet-socialist Hillary Clinton worked with the Democrat party to ensure that she barely won with a razor-thin margin in the same Iowa caucuses only four years ago.  It was so obvious, in fact, that this year’s Hawkeye had a change of rules that was apparently to ensure that the same corruption from the Hillary campaign.

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