Deputy Rider

Deputy Rider

Sunday, 04 December 2016 16:52

Muslims threatening People

Sunday, 04 December 2016 16:36

Jill Stein Scammed Democrats Millions

Thursday, 01 December 2016 16:33

Bad! Obama is involved with PIZZAGATE

Thursday, 24 November 2016 00:45

Left Caught Staging Racist Events Against Trump

Wednesday, 23 November 2016 01:41

Trump Won Because 'Racism'? NO, YOU IDIOT!!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 06:00

Proof Democrats are Racist

Written by Carly Maze. Writer for iD
The most anticipated hemp growing season hits mysterious CBD low. Many hemp farmers such as Hammer Enterprises with farms in La Junta, CO and Hemp Ministries also with farms located in Colorado who, both combined, reportedly grew over 300,000 pounds of crop for the 2016 October harvest. Many, if not all farmers are baffled on what might have caused this strange drop in CBD-a levels. The process is simple, breed the best and highest CBD mother hemp plant you can get your hands on which generally tests between 12% to 21% CBD and then spend the winter cloning exponentially from that one mother hemp plant until you have enough clones to cover anywhere from 20 to 150 acres. You can pretty much guarantee that each clone is a clone and is identical to the mother. Generally, when the harvest comes around Oct 15th you will have pretty much the same percentage that the mother tested, depending on weather and nutrients.



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