Ron Edwards

Ron Edwards (43)

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Ron Edwards Joins

Thursday, 03 August 2017 06:09 Written by
Talk-Show Personality, Commentator, Conservative
Internet Deputy is Proud to  Present Ron Edwards

Ron Edwards, host of the award winning syndicated radio commentary “The Edwards Notebook” is a talented and gifted commentator with over three decades of experience.  He is a well versed journalist with a fiery delivery of humor, information and thought provoking conversation. The “Edwards Notebook”delivers a wealth of knowledge in an entertaining format.

Ron Edwards brings to the airwaves and speaker’s platform unapologetic truth sure to keep his listening audience tuned in every time.  He is well respected by friends and foe alike for his consistency of conviction and originality in commentary. Ron Edwards served for over twenty-years as a news anchor in several Midwest markets including Cleveland and Detroit. He has been a guest on television, radio, as keynote speaker and the writer of numerous articles throughout the United States.

The Edwards Notebook commentary is featured daily on AM News in Reno, Nevada on AM 1180 KCKQ

Is Now Foods Pedaling Soon To Expire Products?

Tuesday, 20 June 2017 05:38 Written by

Internet Deputy is working on an investigated report on Now Foods. Full story will be posted June 21st 2017 

ACT For America REAL footage in San Bernardino

Friday, 16 June 2017 16:10 Written by
Citizen Reporters Page
Arthur Christopher Shaper's Video in San Bernardino

 On Saturday, June 10, 2017, ACT for America staged , anti-Sharia  law rallies that took place in cities all over the United States. 

 Mainstream media sources such as the Washington Post, LA  Times,  Huffington Post, and many others mobilized to misreport  the rallies  as white supremacist “hate marches”. 

 With so much hatred existing within the mainstream media,  citizens  have taken it upon themselves to record footage and  provide  narration for what is happening.

 The Washington Post and other mainstream sources claim that  this  is a "white supremacist", comprised of "racists",  "Islamaphobes", and  "anti-government" militias.  

 However, it is apparent from this citizen reporter's camera lens and  interaction, that this the media's depiction of the "truth" is  questionable at best. 

Citizen Reporter: Santa Ana Bogus Town Hall Meeting Shut Down

Friday, 16 June 2017 15:14 Written by
Citizen Reporters Page
Arthur Christopher Shaper's Video at a Santa Ana Town Hall Meeting

 On Saturday, May 30 2017, citizens in Santa Ana,  California attended a town hall meeting in which  Congressman Lou Correa attempts to instruct illegal  immigrants on how to circumvent the American  immigration system with the recent tightening of  enforcement.    

 Very little was reported on this in the mainstream  media.

 The town hall meeting, which was held in a private  building, had the Mexican Consolate present, raising  questions as to intent of the congressman and the  legality of the meeting to begin with. 

 The meeting was eventually shut down, thus  preventing the ambiguous intent of the meeting from  being carried out.

 Reporter Arthur Shaper does an excellent job of  documentinig this as well as susuccessfully protesting  Correa and holding hihim m accountable. Other videos  show the hatred toward American Citizens outside the bulding.  

 The Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, LA Times,and other mainstream sources claim that the patriots engaged in civic proteses are  "white supremacist", comprised of  "racists", "Islamaphobes", and "anti-government" militias. However, this raw footage shows a multi-racial group of Americans with a united concern for enforcement of the federal laws.  

This video also demonstrates not only how incorrect the mainstream media is, but how much hatred it endorses. 

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Another Run In With Antifa During Anti-Sharia Rally

Tuesday, 13 June 2017 21:25 Written by
Citizen Reporters Page
We Are Change's Channel Video of NYC Anti-Sharia Protest

 On Saturday, June 10, 2017, ACT for America staged , anti-    Sharia law rallies that took place in cities all over the United  States. 

 This video shows, once again, that the mainstream media  accounts of these protests are completely opposite the truth. 

 This particular Anti Sharia protest video shows independent  journalist Lauren Southern being harassed without provocation by  counter-protestors. The person filming was also harrassed. . 

 A worthy note on this as well is that there was no arguement or  dialogue provided by those who the media refers to as "tolerant".


Tuesday, 17 January 2017 19:48 Written by
Written by Carly Maze. Writer for iD
The most anticipated hemp growing season hits mysterious CBD low. Many hemp farmers such as Hammer Enterprises with farms in La Junta, CO and Hemp Ministries also with farms located in Colorado who, both combined, reportedly grew over 300,000 pounds of crop for the 2016 October harvest. Many, if not all farmers are baffled on what might have caused this strange drop in CBD-a levels. The process is simple, breed the best and highest CBD mother hemp plant you can get your hands on which generally tests between 12% to 21% CBD and then spend the winter cloning exponentially from that one mother hemp plant until you have enough clones to cover anywhere from 20 to 150 acres. You can pretty much guarantee that each clone is a clone and is identical to the mother. Generally, when the harvest comes around Oct 15th you will have pretty much the same percentage that the mother tested, depending on weather and nutrients.



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