Ron Edwards

Ron Edwards (43)

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The Declaration Of Independence Meant More Than Just Freedom From England

Friday, 28 September 2018 19:33 Written by
The Declaration of Independence Meant More Than Just Freedom From England

We all know the story about the Founding Fathers crafting together the Declaration of Independence.  They tried until they tried out, to live in harmony with the British Empire.  But being nice and trying to get along just was not cutting it. 

The abuses of King George were cruel and sometimes bordered on insanity.  More and more, the British Empire wanted to take advantage of the prosperity the growing population of New England were achieving through hard labor and thrift. 

Know Who The Real Racists Are

Friday, 28 September 2018 17:16 Written by
Know The Real Racists
The Left Today Is No Different From The Past In Spite Of Modern Rhetoric
By: Ron Edwards

For many years, democrats have sought to either prevent people from obtaining liberty or have been trying to destroy liberty and justice for all.  They used physical slavery, hangings, Jim Crow, etc. 

The Democrat's Second War On America

Monday, 10 September 2018 14:15 Written by
The Democrats' Second War On Liberty
By: Ron Edwards

One of the most horrendous legacies against individual rights and liberty throughout American history is the abysmal history of the Democrat Party founded by American Indian and black people-hating Andrew Jackson.  Like Muslims, communists, ANTIFA gumps, etc. most democrats do not have a soft spot for unalienable rights which come from God.

 Democrats have an overblown self-image of elitism and that the money you earn through working hard or smart belongs to them.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi trashed the Trump tax cuts for working Americans as crumbs.  Yet, the grumpy government elitist recently let it be known that she wants those crumbs back into government coffers.  So much for caring about “We the People.”  In fact, with just a few exceptions thrown in for good measure, the democrats rarely cared about or liked people they could not control, or lord over. 

Either End Democracy Or America could Be Terminated

Saturday, 01 September 2018 18:12
Either End Democracy Or America could Be Terminated
"Mob Rule" Was Never The Intent Of The Founders And Is Causing America's Decline
By: Ron Edwards

The current economic state of affairs in the United States is very good to say the very least.  Unemployment is way down, a half million manufacturing jobs have opened up throughout the great states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and elsewhere.

Our current patriotic president Donald J. Trump reversed the deadly trend of depleting our military by former president Barack Hussein Obama.  The U.S. Stock Market has been a blessing for investors, overall things are good and getting better for our nation.  But one big problem hidden right in front of us and could at anytime unravel and destroy our national stature and greatness. 

America’s Founding Fathers set in motion the unique concepts to form this one nation under God Republic based upon unalienable rights of individuals which come from God.  

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To Save America We Must Embrace Wisdom

Monday, 27 August 2018 01:59 Written by
To Save America We Must Embrace Wisdom
By: Ron Edwards

Proverbs 1:3-5 In the Bible the word states: To receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity; to give prudence to the naïve, to the youth knowledge and discretion, a wise man of understanding will acquire wise counsel

My fellow Americans, until very recently, our republic was on a very slippery slope to oblivion.  It is easy to simply place blame on the previous administration for the numerous evil deeds carried out to bring harm to our republic while benefiting our enemies as often as possible.  But truth be told many throughout this land of liberty, from various walks of life are also guilty for the near death of America. 

The Mission To Change Real American History

Friday, 17 August 2018 18:05 Written by
The Mission To Change Real American History! 
A Commentary By Ron Edwars of the Edwards Notebook
The United States of America has had an amazing history of great achievements from her very beginning.  She was the first nation in history dedicated by men to God, our creator.  It was partially through inspiration from God that the concept of Liberty and Justice for all was conceived. 

When the Founding Fathers gave us documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers and others, they had to lean upon a common understanding of government, morality, law and proper social order.  That understanding sprang from what was a universal acceptance of what became known as the Judeo-Christian Ethic.  That is a system of social and moral values that originates in the Old and New Testaments of the word of God. 

It Is Time For People To Learn The Truth

Friday, 10 August 2018 07:56 Written by
By: Ron Edwards

For numerous decades black Americans have bought, hook- line and sinker one of the biggest lies involving American history.  There are several mega lies that black Americans believe. But for now, I will focus on the double whopper that democrats care about black Americans and that slavery is to blame for the societal ills suffered by black Americans today.

Another Reason Why Abortion Must Be Stopped

Friday, 03 August 2018 14:19 Written by
Another Reason Why Abortion Must Be Stopped
By: Ron Edwards

Since 1973 the United States of America has allowed the legal murder of probably well over 90 million unborn babies.  Most reports estimate between 56 to 70 million American deaths due to abortion. 



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