

Tuesday, 04 February 2020 21:17

Sanders Wins Iowa Caucus

Sanders Takes Iowa!
But, Which "Sanders" Is Still Unclear
By:Jake Fogg 

The 2020 Iowa Caucus has been called “chaotic”, “delayed”, and a “fiasco”, without any official results reported due to a glitch in the voting process stemming from a voting application. Despite this, the obvious overwhelming winner is Sanders—in one form or another.

The Democrat party has long sought to silence Sanders, but without actual reason. After all, closet-socialist Hillary Clinton worked with the Democrat party to ensure that she barely won with a razor-thin margin in the same Iowa caucuses only four years ago.  It was so obvious, in fact, that this year’s Hawkeye had a change of rules that was apparently to ensure that the same corruption from the Hillary campaign.

The True, Well-Documented Account of Thanksgiving 
Generations of Americans Have Never Been Told The Real Story
By:Jake Fogg
with Content from Rush Limbaugh
As with much information regarding the founding of the United States, Thanksgiving is a misunderstood holiday.

Due to many years of false teaching by pseudo-intellectuals in the public school systems, the actual reason for this important day is unknown to most Americans.

Daily Beast Hit-Piece On Candace Owens May Be Race-Related
Ironic Article Actually Intended To Force Black Woman to "Know Her Place"! 


Perhaps in a bid to recapture the “glory days” of the leftist Democrat slave plantations and Jim Crow era, The Daily Beast wrote a hit-piece on another prominent black conservative in an obvious effort to force slander her. 

On September 20, 2019, the Beast’s headline, “Candace Owens to Congress: ‘White Supremacy and White Nationalism Are Not a Problem’” misrepresented Owens’s testimony before congress, taking her words out of context.

Project Veritas Censored For Exposing Pintrest Malfeasance! 
Meeting Between Big Tech Giants Suspected Following Bombshell Video


  Pintrest outted by insider who revealed company's bias against Christians and others. 

  Pintrest Labels Ben Shapiro a "white supremacist".

  Pro-life organization Live Action classified as "porn" so as not to allow content to be viewed.

 "Christians not welcome."

  Pintrest whistle-blower fired!

  Suspected meeting between Twitter, YouTube, and Pintrest regarding the matter.

  Following bombshell video release, Twitter suspends Project Veritas Account and YouTube takes down the video for arbitrary reasons. 

  Spokesman for alternative social media site Hub.life, "This is only going to get worse as long people continue to use these platforms"

Former Isis Admits Mexico Border Point of Entry for Planned Attacks! 
Video Released by Research Firm Provides Reason to Make Border Security Number One Priority

 The Democrat party politicos in power continuously attempt to unravel the already-failing immigration system   and prevent border protection. Thousands of illegal immigrants flood the border weekly from all over Central   and South America—and now increasingly—from other parts of the world.

Former Isis Admits Mexico Border Point of Entry for Planned Attacks! 
Video Released by Research Firm Provides Reason to Make Border Security Number One Priority

 The Democrat party politicos in power continuously attempt to unravel the already-failing immigration system   and prevent border protection. Thousands of illegal immigrants flood the border weekly from all over Central   and South America—and now increasingly—from other parts of the world.

President Trump Rolls Out Real Common Sense Immigration Plan
Race-Bating Activists Outraged At The Exclusion Of Criminals

Originally Reported By Washington Times

By Stephen Dinan and Tom Howell Jr.

President Trump sought to retake the reins of the immigration debate Thursday by announcing a bold plan to refashion legal immigration from its heavy reliance on family ties into a points-based system that would boost those with preferred skills.

Friday, 17 May 2019 07:33

Hard Evidence Exposes Google!

Hard Evidence Exposes Google!
Study Shows Hard Evidence That Search Engine Is Programmed To Silence The Right
By:Jake Fogg 

While it is understood by the public at large that the Google organization has left-leaning sympathies, the company maintains that it is lead “without political bias.”  

Although leaked internal communications and media have shown that the company is lying about its bias, new empirical evidence exists in the form of a study that proves the company’s intent to force its ideology on the consumers that use its search engine.

Democrats Vote To Violate Roe V. Wade!
Congressional Leftists Deny Vote To Protect Newborn Babies For A 40th Time!
By:Jake Fogg 

Democrats have endorsed infanticide—the killing of babies who survive abortions—by voting to fund abortion clinics that allow the practice while at the same time refusing proposed legislation that would protect innocent survivors.

YouTube Working With UN To Promote World Leftist Agenda
The Collectivist Collaboration Seeks To Silence Those Who Believe in Freedom

By: Jake Fogg

Through a recent email to Youtube creators, Google has doubled-down on its commitment to stifle free speech.  The email, presumably sent to all YouTube creators,

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