Opinion (7)
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Contradictions In Leftist Psychology
Friday, 01 December 2017 07:20 Written by Jake
Column By: Toddy Grimwall
A psychological compendium on the pathology of distortion
There are terms that can be perceived as" intellectually honest, definitive terms”, a rather blanket statement for most individuals who comprehend. However, there are certain individuals who have a pathological delusion of what specific terms mean and they find it acceptable to distort the terms. This combined with an antagonistic attack on the societal norm even for something as simple as Gender. For instance in Ontario, Canada The list of protected gender identities is available online and includes options such as “gender bender,”“two spirits,” “third sex,” “androgynous,” “gender gifted,” and “pangender.”
Letter To New Jersey, "Quit Expecting the U.S. To Bail You Out!"
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 16:44 Written by Jake
Behind the scenes deals are taking place in congress in attempt to allow insolvent states like NJ, NY, CA, and Il to continue to deduct their hefty state taxes on the potential tax reform bill.
These states have over-taxed their (tax-paying) citizens in order to fund exorbitant social programs. The current deduction process passes the burden from the insolvent states to those who are fiscally responsible. In other words, the solvent states, some of whom do not even have state income taxes, are forced to subsidize those who spend money they don’t have.
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Tuesday, 05 September 2017 08:08 Written by Jake
Era of Animosity
Friday, 21 July 2017 04:33 Written by Jake
Citizen Reporter: Commentary
By: Deputy Contributer, T. Grimwall
In psychology, to comprehend your present state of being you must acquire an analysis of how you got there. So the Process of analysis is a form of expository analysis designed to convey to the client how specific changes have taken place through a series of stages of exposing layers of events.
As such, taking on a psychoanalytical point of view, we analyze the past sequence of events that not just Obama created but his entire administration. So how did they create "the era of animosity”? To define this we would have to point that out instead of implementing what positive strides America has gone through and to appreciate the diversity of the United States citizenry because America is the melting pot of the world. Obama has Attacked the positive things we've all worked hard for, the very basis of our determinism, our creativity, and our Americanism.
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Commentary: Media Obsessed With Maintaining Imbalance
Wednesday, 28 June 2017 00:24 Written by JakeReader Commentary: Media Obsessed With Maintaining Imbalance

He(Trump) is also obviously unethical and a demagogue. And that juxtaposition alone makes the press's anger toward him white hot. However, there are some peculiarities. First, he is the most liberal of any modern Republican president and, while non ideological, has most of his adult life, identified as a Democrat.